
Name: Kimberley


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Book related to life
Thursday, July 29, 2010

From the novel, The Giver, I can draw some parallels to my life, particularly from the protagonist, Jonas.

Jonas was courageous to accept reality when he realised what sort of community he was in. However, he did not resign himself to fate. Instead, he was bold and wanted to bring about changes to the community. He was optimistic and was determined to succeed despite encountering difficult situations and overwhelming challenges. He persevered and his ‘never say die’ attitude shone throughout his endeavour to bring about change. Jonas displayed his eagerness when faced with critical situations and difficult decisions.

In the same vein, I was courageous to face up to the problem of getting low grades for Science in primary school. My desire for change was bold as I wanted to make significant improvements to my Science grades despite the odds and the many challenges ahead. I was determined to achieve A* for Science in PSLE.

When I was in primary school, my worst subject had always been Science. With a mark ranging from 75 to 80, I was ranked one of the last in my class. Getting my grade to above 90 therefore was no mean feat. Taking the bold step to change, I embarked on a journey to do practically everything to get my grades up. Gritting my teeth, I tackled difficult questions in assessment books and test papers, re-learnt my Science concepts and applied my knowledge when answering questions.

I persevered when I did not do well in Science for my preliminary examinations. I learnt from my mistakes and took them in my stride. Knowing that time was not on my side as PSLE was drawing closer, like Jonas, I was eager to change the situation. I was not about to give up. I continued my strict regiment, ploughing through reference books, assessment books and test papers diligently, and listening attentively in class. I remained optimistic that I would succeed. Finally, my efforts paid off and I obtained A* for Science in PSLE. From the experience, I have a complete change of attitude towards Science. Till today, I enjoy Science and am yearning to learn more about it.

Jonas had a mind of his own. He was not one who followed the crowd. When he knew what sort of community he was in and what the people were going through, he knew that he had to bring out change for the good of the community. The task was arduous. The decision was tough. He knew that he had to leave the community to bring out this change. He also wanted to pursue a better life beyond the realms of his familiar world. He meticulously planned his escape with the Giver.

After obtaining my PSLE results, I had the option to pursue an education in an institution offering integrated programme, meaning that I could skip ‘O’ levels and just sit for ‘A’ levels in the second year of junior college. It was alluring. Moreover, many of classmates wanted to pursue en education there. However, after much deliberation, I decided to do otherwise. I applied for MGS which required me to take the ‘O’ levels when I am in secondary four. Like Jonas, I did not want to follow the crowd. In this instance, I wanted the best for myself.

When Jonas left the community with Gabriel, they were pursued by airplanes for days. Out in the open, he experienced hunger and bitter cold. There was always the temptation to turn back and return to the community. However, that was not the case for Jonas. He knew that he had to persevere and not give up to bring about change to the community. Returning to the community was not an option for him. Despite the physical pain and suffering he had to endure, he knew the final outcome he wanted. He continued his journey with Gabriel till he arrived at the world with colours, seasons, nature and music.

When I joined MGS, I decided to take up the Music Elective Programme. At the same time, I decided to learn a second instrument, the cello. Although I knew it was not going to be easy, I took up the challenge. Initially, it was difficult. Handling the instrument and the bow in the correct manner was mind-boggling. The cello was entirely different from the piano. Like Jonas, I was not about to give up. I persevered. I practised hard. I am glad to have my headway in playing the instrument after one and a half years.